
With the same collaborative and sharing purpose of Creative Mornings, we handpicked four students from Positivo University (AlissonBrunaPatrícia e Viktor) to develop in partnership with Furf, a symbol-manifesto of this event.

Creative Mornings is a brief and valuable moment where those who fly high, land and meet in unusual places to share knowledge and passions.

Any creative spirit can be invited to customize a Birdhouse. It acts as a platform for creativity and divulgation of the city, the artist and the Creative Mornings.

Injected plastic. Porcelain. Coconut fiber. Wood waste. Gold and acrylic. Its design is uncomplicated and its technical drawings are in the public domain, so it can be produced with virtually any material and manufacturing process.

We become whole only when we learn and create. The Birdhouse is complete only when interacting with a book. Mutable with each new reading. Just like us.

Every Creative Mornings’ host city can express a little bit of their culture and identity in each Birdhouse.

A tribute and stimulus to continue learning, inspiring and flying high.

Special thanks to CreativeMornings CuritibaDecormade LivingAmbiência and Universidade Positivo.

Photos: Karen Cristine Munhê and Leonardo Pereira.

Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse Birdhouse